Hire a Soul Band, Hire Metropolis Flyrights



Metropolis Motown Leroy

Dazzling Soul and Motown Experience

What is it about Soul and Motown that demands that you, …you know, get up and dance like a sex machine? Well, if you’re like me and don’t like to dance, you might just change your mind if you hire the Metropolis Flyrights.

The  Metropolis Flyrights - Cream of Talent

These three guys bring an electric mix of singing and dancing that will get your guests on their feet demanding more, dancing and generally having a party experience. You want your celebration to be an event that will be remembered and you want the cream of the performing crop, well The Metropolis Flyrights ALWAYS deliver.

West End Professionals

All the guys in the Metropolis Flyrights have starred in lead roles in London’s West End, shows like Rent, Fame and Starlight Express. 

James Brown Homage

James Brown is the man isn’t he? Have his music live at your event, underpinned by singing dancers and driven by the world-class Metropolis Live party band.  You are guaranteed a memorable, funky soul Motown experience, that also features the music of The Temptations and Stevie Wonder. 

Hire a Soul Band, Horn Section Included

That’s right when you hire this Motown homage trio you get the power of the Metropolis Live party band including a 3-piece horn section, a professional sound engineer and the artists are equipped with wireless microphones thus enabling audience interaction and even more partying.Learn more about the Flyrights on the Hire a Motown band page and WATCH the video, see them in action, funky and choreographed excellence.

Flyrights Promotion Bonus

GET A SOULFUL FEMALE ARTIST FREEBook the Metropolis Flyrights and get a Soulful Songstress absolutely FREEFOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, (T & C’s apply). So if you want a Soul and Motown band experience in the UK, from London to Manchester and Cardiff to Edinburgh, even if you want to hire an international soul band then please get in touch. All the best,