Corporate Function Band Hire: Prior to your event, will your band perform as well off the stage as they do on it?

Free Guide - The Key Considerations

Free Guide - The Key Considerations

Corporate Function Band Hire: Blog One - Prior to your event, will your band perform as well off the stage as they do on it?

Corporate Function Band

Corporate Function Band

Booking a party band to finish off your special day should be the icing on the cake and leave your guests on a high. During those couple of hours on stage you should get an incredible performance. However, on the run up to your big day you should also get an incredible performance too. A professional party band is a business and you should expect the same level of customer service as if you were buying a car or any other high value item .Whilst an event is only normally 6 to 8 hours, the planning and preparation for something like a wedding could take 18 months. The efficiency and friendliness of the suppliers you choose to work with is essential because that will shape the complete experience you have. The whole process should be fun and memorable because it’s often the time that people really get to know each other.The last two months is when the emotional reality really starts to really kick in. This should be a period where you are comfortable in the knowledge that you are working with safe hands. This will enable you to sit back and enjoy what should be one of the most important days of your life.Here are some the key questions / situations we urge you to consider when looking at corporate function band hire. If you receive clear answers to these you are most than likely going to have the most amazing time!

Key Considerations:

  • Will your emails & phone calls be answered in a timely fashion?

  • Will your music preferences be taken into account?

  • Will your preferred style of band line-up be taken into account?

  • Will your band have all the relevant insurance and health and safety certificates?

  • Will your band respect and privacy clauses you have agreed in relation to social media & future marketing?

James Eager's Signature - Director, Metropolis Productions Ltd

James Eager's Signature - Director, Metropolis Productions Ltd

If you any further advice you are most than welcome to call us on +44 (0) 208 123 9058All the best.

This blog post is an expansion from our guide ‘The Key Considerations’.  Based on 15 years experience, this equips anyone looking to book live music for an event with important information. If you would to receive your free guide, please enter your details below and we will email you a copy straight away.

